
Thursday, 31 May 2012

6 Things you should never do in office

There are lot of blogs, post, articles, person which can tell you what to do in office; but there are only few one's who can tell you, what you should never do in the office.

Here, I'll tell you that, what you should never do in the office, to avoid the negative impact on your colleagues. Every specific office has a list of Do's and Don'ts, but here is some of the general Don'ts that applies to every office and every person working in them.

1. Spying on other people's work

One should never spy on others personal computers, files, purses, and other stuff. You are not a thieve or a spy like a James Bond, you should never do this as it will lead to the serious negative impact on your colleagues and will ultimately lead in to the disrespect from the staff of the office including juniors. No matter, how much you want to see what are your colleagues up to? Whether they are on some new project, which you always wanted? or Whether you think, they are planing something, you are very curious to know? But always remember, this things are not greater then the self-respect of yours.

2. Being a "Megastar" when you walk

You are not the one who owns your office, yes it is good to be confident, but never act like you are the King of the world or atleast of your office. My advise to you is that to show your smartness in your work only, and in your friends, you would not want your colleagues to think that you are a jerk of the office. Let the things go easily and genuinely.

 3. Loudspeaker of the office

You are not hired as the loud speaker for the office. Don't be so loud, that everyone in the office hears even your personal conversation since many persons are interested in, but they will always use this information for only bitching about you. So speak softly yet audible to the person whom with you are in a conversation.

4. Gossip

I bet you know this already, but I did mention it only to make sure that no one misses this, since its one of the most important one. Gossiping will you make one of the most interesting person to listen but this position of yours will degrade and will ultimately lead to the person who doesn't have any respect. I know its hard to control, since every corner of the office is full of gossips but have a will power and avoid it. Believe me; you won't like to be called as Gossip King.

5. Taking something which is not yours

Yes stealing is one of the things you should never perform in the office; However tempting it may be, or how much do you feel its the thing that no one would ever notice, but if you caught performing that you are in real deep trouble as it may lead you to payback or may get you fired from the job.

6. Sleeping

Yes, many of us when are much tired due to over work load either from office or from home take a quick nap in the office even sometimes undesirably. Although the chances of getting fired are low by performing this; but you would be in a trouble if your boss caught you sleeping; and then you would become the topic of fun among your colleague. Try to finish your work early and ask your boss to let you leave.

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