
Thursday 14 November 2013

US spying is killing the internet claims Google

Splinters everywhere

US internet spying is going to lead to the creation of splinter networks which will eventually kill off the net, the search engine Google has warned.

According to Reuters, Google warned that the development of splinter nets could hurt US business. Richard Salgado, Google's law enforcement and information security director, told Congress the search engine outfit should be allowed to provide the public more information about government demands for user data.
He said that the lack of transparency about the nature of government surveillance in democratic countries undermines the freedom and the trust most citizens cherish, it also has a negative impact on our economic growth and security and on the promise of an Internet as a platform for openness and free expression.

Google was furious after a Washington Post report late last month said that the NSA had tapped directly into communications links used by Google and Yahoo to move huge amounts of email and other user information among overseas data centres.

Salgado warned that the NSA operations led to "a real concern" inside and outside the United States about the role of government and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which decides in secret on legal problems about electronic surveillance efforts.
He thinks that some countries will attempt to create a "splinter net" by putting up internet barriers, he said. For example, a government plan in Brazil would force global internet companies to store data on Brazilian users inside that country.

All this will lead to a closing of the markets through data location requirements and similar restrictions, Salgado told Reuters after the hearing.
This is bad for all of the American companies and the internet. Salgado added that this was a real business issue, particularly those who wanted to set up cloud services. 

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